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Never Stop Learning – Increase Your Knowledge to Move Forward in Your Business

September 13, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Time Management

In order to successfully move forward in your goals for your business, you have to stay in constant learning mode. You can never stop learning.  This does not mean that you have to go back to school and take formal courses, but you can seek ways to increase your knowledge and take steps to sharpen your skills on a regular basis.

  • Make use of your waiting time:  Always have material with you so that you make good use of time you spend waiting – for meetings to start, for a doctor’s appointment, at the beauty salon, at the barber’s, to pick up your children from school, waiting at the airport, to name a few.
  • Turn travel time into productive time:  Use your car as your mobile university.  This is one of the reasons I don’t mind traveling long distances alone.  I can listen to whatever I want freely without having to be concerned about imposing on other persons in the car.  I keep CDs with motivational and training topics, as well as books on CDs.  How about you? Traveling on an airplane is another great time to increase your knowledge.
  • Keep a notepad and pen close by.  As soon as you think of something you want to do more research on, write it down.  It’s easy to forget and when the opportunity arises for you to search for that information, you’ve long forgotten what it was you wanted to learn more about.

I read an article in which Chris Palmer, who teaches communication at American University in Washington, was quoted as saying that your daily interactions with people provide plenty of learning opportunities. He noted that friends and colleagues are a valuable source of coaching; and they provide feedback, which prevents you from becoming isolated and arrogant.

A learning tip that I especially appreciate as it can increase your knowledge exponentially and help you reach your goals, “Be an active listener when you seek advice.  Repeat what you’ve heard to make sure you got it right.”

Everyday, make an effort to do one thing to increase your knowledge, whether it’s searching the Internet  for specific information (otherwise you could waste hours), reading a book – your own or from the library, or calling a friend and discussing a topic that stimulates your mind and boost your learning at the same time.

Would you like to get more information on how to motivate yourself and move toward your goal by increasing your knowledge daily?  I invite you to read Tom Connellan's “The 1% Solution for Work and Life”.

0 Comments to “Never Stop Learning – Increase Your Knowledge to Move Forward in Your Business”

  1. Yvonne:
    I have had my Palm Pilot loaded with articles and books for some 20 years. (OK, now, it’s a Pre, but you get the idea). And, when I travel, I carry an extra bag, laden with 50 to 90 pounds of magazines that I pore through. Rip out articles I will need- and scan them in to my computer, which will be loaded to my complete data base at a later date. And, that has been my process for 40 years or so. (I also carry a large plastic trash bag, so I don’t overload the airline systems when I depart…)
    My mantra has been to learn at least three new facts every single day. The trick is remembering them- long term.

  2. Maureen Hunter says:

    Yvonne I think if you have a business you are in constant learning mode. O ne of the most productive things Ive started doing is as youve suggested, when I travel I learn. Every round trip I do to my capital city is 6 hrs of opportunity grabbed.

  3. I learn something each and every day and I love it! I think that is what makes me get up in the morning. Finding something else, something new, a different way and interacting with others as you say Yvonne, is key.

    We learn in our business, in our life, relationships, friendships and just in so many ways that it really is a great way to keep you mind churning.

  4. Samantha Bangayan says:

    Ooh! Love this port, Yvonne! I had been implementing these tips in one or another, but I definitely want to make them conscious habits! These days, I’ve been especially conscious of how much I can learn from conversations with others. I’m learning to be a really effective listener and observer because I’ve been conducting a lot of interviews lately for my freelance client. I definitely hope that I can keep this habit up because it’s amazing how much we can learn from the people around us! =)

  5. Roberta Budvietas, says:

    Learning is important but sometimes we need to stop and think to. We need to look at the learning and think how to integrate. Sometimes now I find it more meaningful to just jot things down or record things than to keep learning things and I really try to take time to go – and how can I apply that.

  6. Roy, You’re my hero! “Three new facts every single day” is quite a bit of information! As you noted it can be a challenge to remember the things you learn. That was frustrating me so I now walk around with a little notebook I can slip in my purse and just down little snippets to look back at later. You definitely know how to maximize you time. Thanks for sharing what works for you.

  7. That’s the way to go, Maureen. Have you noticed that when you’re learning and enjoying it time and distance seem to go my swiftly? Thanks for sharing what works for you.

  8. Good point, Lynn. We must strive to seek opportunities to learn in various aspects of our lives. We do need to keep our minds churning, don’t we? Our brain has the capacity to hold so much more than we could ever use.

  9. That’s so true, Samantha; we can learn a lot from people around us. Unfortunately because listening is a skill that we have to work at to develop we often lose out on opportunities to learn from others. Like you, it’s something I work at so as to seize every opportunity to learn from others. All the best with your interviews. That should be fun!

  10. I’m with you on that point, Roberta. We need to be in learning mode, but we must take time to implement or it’s to no avail that we would have learned. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.

  11. It was Ghandi who said: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”.

    I always try to have a book with me and I have carried a notepad and pen as long as I remember. For me, being able to take notes while I read is the most important thing. That way I can summarise and retain everything of value.

  12. Thank you for that quote, Alan. Having a notebook with you or a small recording device (love the recording capability on some smart phones) is a great way to capture your thoughts immediately. It makes sense to even have one by my bedside because so many times I have a great idea and by the next morning it’s gone…I have no idea what it was.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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