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Working From Home: Do You Have a Schedule for Office Hours?

June 09, 2009 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Home-Based Business

During my years in the corporate world, I found that the
majority of employees fell into two major categories:

The clock-watchers who were at the door at 4:30
p.m.; 5:00 p.m. or whatever time the workday officially ended.

Workaholics who saw the stampede for the door
and usually asked, “Is it that time already?

Which category did you fall in?  Now that you are working from home and you set your
own schedule, what is your attitude toward quitting time? Do you have a
schedule for your office hours that include a closing time for your home-based
business? Do your family, associates and clients know when your workday is over?

It is essential to your continued success as a home-based
business owner to set a fixed time for your work and allow only emergencies to
break your schedule. A key benefit is that if you have a family you will avoid
hearing the words, “You are ALWAYS working!” 
Another benefit if you do not have family around you is that you will
avoid ‘burnout’ while working from home.

0 Comments to “Working From Home: Do You Have a Schedule for Office Hours?”

  1. Thanks for your comments, Ellen. Like you I have to work by a schedule otherwise at the end of the day a lot of tasks will still be undone.

  2. Ellen Zucker says:

    Good advice. As someone who has been self-employed for years, I find having set time set aside for work gives me a much needed structure to the day.


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