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Archive for the ‘Branding’

Increase Visitors to Your Blog by Increasing The Value You Provide

August 05, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

Recently I have been focusing on the value of having a blog, which should be the hub of your online activities.  In talking with people, visiting forums, I've found out that the reason some people do not understand the value of having a blog because in many cases they started a blog, but did not get traffic or visitors to their blog, so they became discouraged and gave up.

I found this video by Lisa Irby of that's approximately 9 minutes, in which she shared some valuable pointers:

For your blog to be successful, some of the key points (more…)

Guest Post: Remember Who You Are!

August 04, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Direct Sales

This is a guest post by Barbara Lopez, The Elevator Pitch Coach.  I like to say that Barbara elevated my elevator pitch as a Direct Sales Consultant so that I became much more effective at networking events.  I chose this article by Barbara because she wrote it so well that I did not need to, and it is so easy when you are new to internet marketing to want to try to be like the ‘gurus' in order to cover the fact that you are relatively new.    The downside to this is that you would not be authentic and people can see through pretense.  Instead of building the know, like and trust factor this is more likely to alienate the very people you want to attract.

“There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.” –Anonymous

Have you ever received some advice, but it didn’t really “click” or resonate with you until many years down the road? When I was a teenager, and I’d be getting ready to head out with my friends, as I’d get to the door to leave my father would always say, “Remember who you are!” At the time, as a naive yet typical teenager who thought she knew everything, I’d always think to myself that it was such a weird thing to say – of course I’d remember who I was! How could I forget? I know who I am! I’m Barbara!

It wasn’t until many years later, when I became an adult, that I really understood the meaning behind those words, “remember who you are”. I realized that my father wasn’t telling me to remember my NAME, but to remember who I am as a person. What he was trying to advise me at the time, very gently, was to remember who I am as a person, and to be true to it. That, no matter what activities I’d be up to that evening, no matter whose company I was spending time in, that it was important for me to be true to myself – and to not stray from that – ever.

As I’ve grown older, I think that is actually the best piece of advice I’ve ever received. It’s great advice for a teenager, but I’m also seeing how applying it to my adult self has done great things for me both personally and professionally.

Reflecting on this advice of “remember who you are” recently, I also realized this is SO important when making a first introduction. There are a few reasons for that; allow me to explain.

You are more relaxed. When meeting someone for the very first time, if you just remember to be yourself, you’ll automatically relax a bit and enjoy the introduction more. Plus, if you’re attending a networking function where you’re meeting a lot of people at once or giving your elevator pitch to an entire room of people, you’ll feel more at ease. (more…)

Adding the Tweetmeme Button to Your Blog Invites Your Visitors to Take Action

July 16, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business

During a recent 30-day blog challenge I was part of, I endeavored to visit 3 to 5 blogs each day, read a post on each, and leave a meaningful comment.  I noticed that on many blogs there was a gray rectangular box on the top right-hand of each post that indicated how many tweets had been made on that post.  Under the box was a green box that showed if the post had been tweeted by me on a previous visit or not.  It would show “retweet” or “tweeted.”

I became curious because I had a  widget installed from Add to Any, but this one seemed much easier to use, and if not placed correctly could be overlooked.  Eventually I went to to learn more.  I found out that the Tweetmeme button is a plug-in you need to download and then upload to your Plug-ins in your admin area, after which you click to make active.  It's been fun using it, but for this post I decided to (more…)