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Online Business Success – Lessons From the Atlantic Salmon

January 05, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: online business

I’ve always been fascinated by the Atlantic salmon’s inherent ability to swim upstream, and as I thought about the complexities involved in achieving online business success, I realized that there are lessons we can learn from the Atlantic Salmon.

What are some of these lessons we can take away and apply to ourselves in our online business?

1.  Fact: The Atlantic salmon spawns in fresh water but spends much of it’s life in the salty waters of the ocean.

Lesson: As business owners we have to be adaptable.  We may start small and wade into shallow waters, but as we grow we may make decisions that will take us out of our comfort zone and plunge us into areas that are as wide as the ocean.

2.  Fact: The salmon’s trip downstream towards the seas is long and arduous, but before going into the open sea it feeds greedily at the mouth of the river.

Lesson: Starting any business has its ups and downs and the road may not be smooth, but by feeding or educating yourself through books, online classes, webinars, having a responsive Mentor, and support system, you will be fortified to move on to bigger projects.  Projects that may actually ‘frighten' you but with the knowledge and partnerships you've acquired in your business you can progress and experience online business success.

3.  Fact: The salmon’s time at sea prepares it for the journey back upriver to spawn.  The Atlantic salmon negotiates across the ocean to begin the grueling task of swimming upstream against the flow.  When it comes to obstacles, like weirs and waterfalls, the salmon jumps over them during the day by aiming for the light above the obstacle.

Lesson: You cannot stop growing, personally or in your business.  You have to allow each platform of growth to take you higher as you expand your business.  Along the way there will be obstacles, but like the salmon, you have to see beyond them and overcome them so that you can arrive at your ultimate destination.  You may not be able to fly over the obstacles like the Atlantic salmon, but you can use them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks to meet the goals you've set and experience online business success.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the above lessons.  Can you think of other lessons we can learn?

0 Comments to “Online Business Success – Lessons From the Atlantic Salmon”

  1. Melanie Kissell says:

    Ooh … I love an analogy post!

    This is brilliant, Yvonne, and I can definitely see the similarities. Go figure. Who knew we online marketers and small business owners are like second cousins to the salmon! 🙂

    No, we can’t fly over obstacles. But we can be just as courageous – simply by holding on to our faith, staying confident, and taking risks by moving out of our comfort zones.

    Beautiful, thought-provoking post.

  2. And I love that thought about being like second cousins to the salmon 🙂 Being bold and courageous doesn’t always come easy because we’ve been so conditioned to ‘be careful’ but getting out of comfort zone is what will truly take us to the next level. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Melanie.

  3. Interesting comparison! As long as we keep our eye on the outcome, our tasks don’t seem so difficult. Sometimes growth hurts but it’s in the pruning that we blossom! Great post!

  4. Great post,
    Salmon also are pretty rigid in that they will go up that river. It’s hard to find a business person who is ready to make that jump, especially if it means going into a struggle.

  5. So true. Long-range vision is so important. It’s when we focus on the ‘now’ that we become impatient and frustrated. Thanks, Martha.

    And that’s what makes the difference between those who give up and those who go against the tide, like the salmon, Peter. Thanks for sharing your insight.


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