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Starting Your Internet Business – Knowing Your “Why”

June 01, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

Question MarkAre you already in business for yourself? Do you currently have a home-based business? Are you working a full-time job while launching your internet business? Why do you want to start an internet business?

Identifying your “Why” will be one of the most fundamental steps you will take on the road to building a successful internet business. The importance of this cannot be over-emphasized because it is knowing your “Why” that will help you to deal with the challenges that will come your way as you embark on creating an online presence.

Your initial response may be, “my why is to make money,” and that’s generally the response from the majority of people. However, I’d like to encourage you to dig deeper and find the real reason why you are willing to do what it takes to succeed. Money does provide you with options, money allows for choices, money allows you to do more for others, but identifying specifically what you’d like to achieve by making money will give you a greater reason to stay focused. Just ‘making money’ will not be enough of a motivator. You need to have such a deep-seated reason that will cause you to go over, under or around any obstacles that come your way. Tied in with that is what you short-, medium, and long-term goals will be.

Do you believe it's important to determine ‘Your Why'? If so, why? If not, why do you say so? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I will reply to you directly.

0 Comments to “Starting Your Internet Business – Knowing Your “Why””

  1. Our “why” always seems to start with money, however, digging deeper we will usually find that it’s all about making ourselves happy, which is being our authentic selves!

  2. Great tips. It is important to be interested in your topics and have expertise. Passion for your work shows to your clients.

    April M. Williams

  3. So true; that’s really at the heart of it, isn’t it? Making yourself or someone else happy. Always enjoy your thoughtful comments, Martha.

  4. Gwen Tanner says:

    Martha is right “I want to make more money” is always a reaction, especially after seeing what others have. I think the ones of us do dig deeper do find that we really want things to make us happy – others are just still greedy LOL


  5. Karen Brooks says:

    Great article. Most people don’t stop to ask the “why” of what they are doing. It is always good to get a mental picture of the “why” that you desire.

  6. Melanie Kissell says:

    Well, I’ve certainly figured out an enormous part of my “Why”, Yvonne. I’m marching on toward the day when I can tell my employers (I have more than one) to “Kiss my butt – I’m outta here!”

    So I guess you’d have to say that my “why” has a lot to do with designing a life that’s right for me and working toward creating financial freedom. In other words … I’m tired of making the bosses rich! It’s my turn. 🙂

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. If people aren’t crystal clear on their “why”, chances are they won’t get very far in this industry.

    Write On!

  7. Dale Anderson says:

    Yes, knowing your “Why” is so important and one thing I need to remind myself from time to time.

    Thanks Dale

  8. Gwen, Karen, Melanie & Dale: Thank you for reading and leaving your comments. You have added depth to the post so that we can all benefit.

    Gwen: Happiness should definitely be a key factor in what we do. When we love what we do we will keep on despite the challenges and we’ll also find happiness in serving others. People can also tell when we enjoy what we do.

    Karen: You are so right. And for the ‘visual’ people like me. Not a bad idea to write it down so you can see it from time to time 🙂

    Melanie: Yes, it’s your turn and you have a strong motivation! LOL

    Dale: We do have to keep reminding ourselves as it’s easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of life.

  9. Thanks, April. Very true. Without passion, how can we influence those who we work with? Our clients will reflect what we show or give to them. I appreciate your comments.


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