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Archive for the ‘Branding’

Find a Profitable Niche and Create Your Own Products

June 07, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Home-Based Business

One of the challenges beginner online marketers and even many seasoned online marketers have is to develop a product so they can monetize their website in a short time.  Of course, there are many other methods, including Affiliate Marketing, that allow you to provide a service to your website visitors.  However, experienced marketers agree that your goal should be to create your own product as soon as possible.

It took me several months to understand the value of PLR products and since then I've come to appreciate their role in my online business.    Some people will download a PLR e-book and just add their name to it and offer it to their visitors.  Others use it as a supplementary resource.  But there is more… (more…)

Search Story by Yvonne A Jones

May 31, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business

I am so excited! This video was created as part of an assignment from my Mentor, Connie Ragen Green for the Internet Marketing 6 Pack Course. Creating videos is an effective way to connect with your readers on a different level and you may choose to do these so your readers will see and hear you. Or you may choose to do videos where only your voice is heard, but based on the statistics, creating videos should become an integral part of your online marketing strategies. It can also help to build your brand. Now that gives me something new to work on!

Please leave your comments below if you're already using video as a marketing tool and the results you've experienced. If like me, you're not doing so, do you plan to?

Build Your Brand Online with Superior Customer Service and Encourage Customer Loyalty

May 18, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Direct Sales

A customer is anyone for whom you provide a service or sell a product and the names or terms customers are referred to may differ depending on your market.  A customer may be called a client, a purchaser, a buyer, or even a student. A customer who has not yet made a purchase or exchange of service or product may be referred to as a prospect.  Regardless of the terminology unique to your business the bottom-line remains the same: your customer if the lifeline of your business.  The service that you as the business owner provides will have a direct impact on the success or failure of your online business and so it becomes critical to be sure that you always provide superior customer service. This is a part of building your personal brand.

In building your brand online your goal should be to be recognized as someone who goes over and beyond what is normally required to take care of their customers.  I happen to like the term ‘over-deliver.'  No one usually complains if you over-deliver.  This is the kind of reputation that will set you apart from the pack and make you stand out.  On the other hand using underhand tactics and not keeping your promises is the way to go to experience the death of your business.  Pete Blackshaw says it very well in the title of his book, Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000: Running a Business in Today's Consumer-Driven World. (more…)