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Archive for the ‘goal setting’

A Written Goal Has Much More Power Than One That Stays in Your Mind

July 22, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, goal setting, Mindset

I often quote the statement that a goal is just a dream if you fail to write it down because it's so true.  In general, most people accept that they need to write their goals as it's only too easy to get side-tracked, or to lose sight of what you're working towards.  For others, they may have to change their mindset in order to accept the need to implement setting goals.

A challenge that many people I work with and speak with have is that while they recognize the importance of written goals, they do not know how to write them effectively.

The first step is decide in your mind what the goal is, what the details involved will be, which would include timeframe, current status, where you'd like to be in the short term, as well as in the long term.  You also have to take into consideration any external factors that may affect the outcome.  Once these have been determined, you are ready to transfer you thoughts to paper or your computer.

1.   Always write your goals in positive language. For example, instead of: My goal is to lose 10 pounds in one month; you may consider: My goal is to be 10 pounds lighter at the end of one month. Or, instead of: My goal is to stop being late for appointments; you may write: (more…)

Keeping Focused On Your Business Can Be A Challenge For The Internet Newbie

June 12, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, goal setting, Mindset, Time Management

For someone new to marketing on the internet it can be like taking a four-year old into a huge specialty candy store.  There is so much to see and so many appealing and delicious type of  candies for that child to choose from that she becomes overwhelmed! Imagine that the parent said, “Remember, you are only allowed to choose one.” A typical reaction in a whiny voice could be, “I don't know which one to choose!”

One of the things I struggled with and am still working on is to avoid clicking on emails with a really good subject line. Sometimes it's nothing new, perhaps an e-book with a catchy title.  I know I've heard the topic before, probably have something similar in a binder on my shelf or on my hard-drive, or may even be in a class on the topic, but natural curiosity impels me to take a look to see someone else's take on a topic.  I may open the document and just scan it.  Five or 10 minutes later I've learned nothing new, but that's five or 10 minutes lost.  That's time I could have spent doing something in and for my business.  One solution I've implemented is to unsubscribe from a number of lists. (more…)

Recap of Week 1 of the June 2010 30-Day Blog Challenge

June 05, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, goal setting, Mindset

Today marks the end of week 1 of the 30-day blog challenge by Dr. Jeanette Cates although it's actually just 5 days since the challenge began.  It has been challenging for me to write everyday, not because I don't know what to write about, but because of the number of projects on and offline I'm involved in as well as other  activities unrelated to business.  This is nothing unique to me as I'm sure if we did a survey of most of the participants we'd find that very few people have a lot of  ‘spare' time.

The recommendation was made to write two or three posts each day and schedule them for different days and I believe that is an excellent suggestion.  Unfortunately I've only been able to write one each day.  My goal for next week is to select a day on which I will write at least three posts.  In this way if unforeseen circumstances arise I wont fall behind.

Here is a recap of the articles I wrote this week.  My objective for the 1st two weeks is to help persons who want to, or have recently started an online business to recognize that before they start to worry about the technology aspect of their online business, they need to get their mind and inner person ready in order to succeed.

Day 1:  Starting Your Internet Business – Knowing Your Why

Day 2:  Starting Your Online Business – What Is Your Purpose?

Day 3: What Motivates You?  Is Your Motivation From Within?

Day 4:  7 Questions to Self-Check Your Motivation In Your Business

Thanks to all who read and commented on my posts this week.