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Goal Setting and Achievement Help to Boost Your Self-Confidence

August 31, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, goal setting

The biggest reason most people fail to reach their goals is a lack of action.  The fact that you have taken the time to write your goals on paper, identified the areas in your life that you would like to see these goals realized, and determined what steps you need to take to achieve them means that the only step left is to take action.

Goal setting can build your self-confidence when you achieve the goals you’ve set and are able to measure the process.  This gives an overwhelming sense of achievement and is a confidence booster because you are now able to quantify what you have accomplished and can conceive reaching for higher goals and perhaps greater challenges.

It’s important to set performance goals rather than base your success on ‘outcome’ goals since achieving them may involve unforeseen circumstances over which you have little or no control.

When you’ve achieved a goal, take time to enjoy the satisfaction to enjoy it, note what worked and did not work for you and continue to learn from every successfully completed goal in your life and your business.

Goal Setting Involves Changing Your Mindset for Success

May 20, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

Most people will readily admit that they are not where they want to be in life.  Perhaps spiritually, financially, in their relationships, academically, etc.  Recognizing that there are deficiencies is one thing; willingness to do something about it is another.  Unfortunately statistics show that although a large percentage of the population is unhappy with their status, they are content to live with the status quo and are unwilling to take action to achieve fulfillment.

Change is never easy because we become comfortable with the way things are, but change is the one thing you need to take hold of to alter the course of your life and in taking this step it is important to lay the foundation for growth, progress and success by setting goals.  You may have to work on changing your mindset in order to accept the need to implement setting goals. Goals are essential because they give you a clear focus or path to follow. Without specific goals your efforts can be derailed quite easily by the negative influences that are likely to come along the path. (more…)