Time Management: Do You Have Time Savers or Time Killers in Your Home Based Business
Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages I hear of most frequently and that I've personally experienced as a Solo Entrepreneur who works from home is becoming distracted very easily.
Here are 3 things in your home office that you can allow to be time-savers or time-killers:
1.Your Computer As a Time Saver: I cannot imagine running a business from home without a computer. Your computer allows you to store huge amounts of information and retrieve them with a few clicks of your mouse. The volume of software on the market allows you to be creative, and of course access to the internet allows you to communicate quickly and effectively as well as research data quickly.
Your Computer as a Time Killer: A time killer, you may ask? To determine how effectively you are using your computer for your business, why not keep a notepad by your computer and do a quick task. Jot down how much time you actually sit in front of your computer for just one week. Then note how much time you actually work on your business. You may be surpirised to find how much time you spend surfing the internet, checking your e-mails during the day, visitng social networking sites, etc. compared with just how much actual work you get done. While these are essential they can become time-consuming if not managed properly.
2. Your Telephone As a Time Saver: The telephone gives you the ability to communicate messages quickly and almost instantly. It can save you lenghty trips away from your income-producing activies and allows you to keep in touch with your network on a regular basis – receiving and conveying information.
Your Telephone As a Time Killer: Telephone calls can disturb your thoughts and can throw your schedule out the door for the day. Many callers are never content with a brief conversation, and many feel that because you work from home you should be avaibale to talk whenever and for however long they wish to talk. Ineffective use of voice mail can also be a time waster.
3. Your Filing System As a Time Saver: Being able to find an important document immediately is an invaluable time-saving benefit. It not only saves time but is actually good for your health as the level of frustration and anxiety experienced when an important document cannot be found is not in your best health interests. There should be a proper place to keep your files, which should be labeled and filed in a logical way.
Your Filing System As a Time Killer: The expression “There's method in my madness” is used by many to excuse their lack of organization. If you can't find it when you need it, then there is no method or organization. Touching lots of paper and files, pulling out drawer after drawer in an effort to locate one document is a waste of your time.
Time Management begins with managing yourself and your resources. Would you like to be able to organize your home-based business so that it's set up for SUCCESS? Jimmy D Brown's report “Homepreneur Habits: How to Run a Successful Home Business” is chock-full of informative topics like setting up a workspace, creating a schedule, and running the day to day operations of your home business. Click here to get more information.
Hi. Helpful info. Well that makes sense. For me as seller, I prefer to use Outlook as my e-mail client and with the help of Email Sorter Wizard, an Outlook add-on, I file all my e-mail. Your blog is a great resource! Thank you!
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