Relationship Marketing | Build Your Online Business

Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Building Relationships With Colleagues In My Online Community Has Been A Rewarding Experience

November 15, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: relationship marketing

Featured “Monday Writer” – Jeff Wise

Over the past year I have learned so many new things about internet marketing and I really have to credit it to all of the new relationships I have made.  Whether through social media, attending events or participating in contests and blog challenges, the new relationships have prompted a flood of new and helpful information that is propelling my business to new heights.

It all started when I entered a big internet marketing contest in which the winner would win $10,000 worth of expert internet marketing mentoring.  Because of that contest I started blogging everyday for a particular niche I started, and I received an email from someone whose email list I had been a part of for several years.

This email talked about a blog challenge where you would blog everyday for a month and I joined.  During that blog challenge I met new people whom I would eventually build a business relationship with.  Through these relationships I have learned many new (more…)