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Archive for the ‘Business – Entrepreneur’

Creating Your Own Information Product – Deciding on Your Format

April 18, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur

Making the decision to create your own information product yourself is one that requires careful thought.

Writing an eBook

If you are able to, you can create the product yourself.  Some people can write a 40-50 page eBook in a couple of days to a week, but others need much longer than that.

I’m currently writing my first information product for sale.  This is not my first information product as I’ve written several short or special reports as giveaways for opt-in lists.  However, I’m one of those mentioned in the previous paragraph who “need much longer than that.”  It does not, however, have to be that way.

If you’re not a fast writer or you don’t feel confident with your writing ability, you can always hire someone to write your (more…)

Creating an Information Product – Select a Topic

April 13, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur

One of the first things many beginners to  online business are told is that they should create an information product.  That’s really good advice but it's  a daunting task for most people who’re unfamiliar with the technology associated with building an  online business, as well as the time to research and create an information product in the form of an eBook.  As a result, many initially opt for promoting other people’s products through Affiliate Marketing.

With the increasing popularity of videos, the time-frame has been shortened for quite a number of persons who’re relatively new to the Internet.  You can now create short videos and bundle these into an information product in a shorter time than you would probably take to write an eBook.

Basic First Step in Creating Your Information Product

Select a Topic:  The first step is to choose a topic. If you’re an expert in a particular niche, or a topic in that niche, it may be best to start by creating your (more…)

Real-Time Schedule of Routine Tasks Important to Self-Management

April 05, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, online business

Certain tasks in your business are routine or predictable tasks.  You need to do them daily and sometimes several times per day for best results.  Some of these could include:

  • Reading and replying to emails
  • Spending time on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Visiting forums
  • Read and comment on three or four blogs
  • Watch You Tube videos for training purposes
  • Watch training videos from a Webinar you did not get to attend, or training for a product you purchased.

Every one of these tasks is important to your overall business plan, but each one can result in time-drains if you do not do real-time scheduling to set limits (more…)