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Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Archive for the ‘goal setting’

Breaking Out of “Clumps” at Offline Events Can Expand Your Business

August 31, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Entrepreneur - Network Marketing, goal setting, Mindset

A clump is a knot or tight cluster of people or things.  It's a natural tendency in humans to want to stay in groups with   whom they feel comfortable – either people you already know or those with whom you share similar interests.

There are times when staying within your clumps or tight cluster may not be a good idea.  Business events like large training groups, business functions and local networking events usually create opportunities for exposure, networking, building connections and, of course, taking advantage of learning opportunities from others.

If you congregate with just your known circle, you are not allowing yourself to make (more…)

How to Attract More Visitors to Your Website by Giving Away Valuable Products

August 30, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, goal setting, Mindset

People have been known offline to make a big fuss about huge ‘Giveaways’ that turn out to be very disappointing for many customers because the item that was given was of poor quality or of very little value.

What about those of us who work online?  What should we give away, and how can giving away valuable products help to attract more visitors and ultimately business to our website?

The most important thing to keep in mind is that whatever we give away, whether it’s a free report, an e-book, e-course, teleseminar, etc. should be of good quality and value.  Someone may reason that it does not make sense (more…)

How to Use Yahoo! Answers to Attract Traffic to Your Website

August 30, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, goal setting

The main concern and goal for everyone who markets a business online is to get traffic or people visiting their website.  In most cases that website will be  a blog, but your online business may also promote an e-Commerce website

To keep your visitors coming back to your site so they can get to know you, they need to feel that you are an expert on your topic, or at least that you have a good grasp of your niche and can provide good content and advice.

One place you have the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and lead them back to your website in at Yahoo! Answers (  Questions on various topics are asked and answers are given.  People are (more…)