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Archive for the ‘Mindset’

Relationship Marketing: Providing Valuable Information On Your Blog

August 20, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Branding, Business - Entrepreneur, Mindset

Providing valuable content on your blog, the hub of your online activities, is not always easy.  Your goal should always be to provide a valuable source of information so that your readers will want to come back for more.

It’s easy to reason that since you’re not being paid for the information on your blog, it does not have to be of the highest quality.  Thinking that way would be a huge mistake.  Put yourself in your readers’ place.  Would you revisit a website where the information is of little or no value?

It is true that you are in business because we want to make money.  On the other hand, the interesting thing is that when you give your readers really valuable information, you are nurturing and building relationships so that when you have something for sale they will be more willing to purchase products from or through you.  They will have come to appreciate that you have their interests at heart and so you would recommend only products that are worthwhile and will be of  benefit  to them.

What are your thoughts on the topic?  Please share in the Comments section.

A Review of “20 Ways to Make $100 per Day Online” – the Ebook

August 18, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

Are you new to the internet? Are you confused by all the information you're exposed to? On the other hand, are you a ‘seasoned' marketer looking for additional sources of income online to explode your internet empire? There is a tremendous amount of information available on the subject of internet marketing but when you are looking for information it makes sense to find materials that offer options. This will allow you to be selective in finding tools or systems that match your personality, your style,  and your niche.

A review of the “20 Ways to Make $100 per Day Online“  may help you to determine if this is right for you.

1. Authors: The e-Book was created by Members of the Internet Marketing Inner Circle, and coordinated by Founder, Willie Crawford, who also wrote the final chapter. Each of these marketers has been successful in their niche for several years and they've enthusiastically shared one aspect of their business that has been tried and tested which can help to make you successful as well.

2. Links: Each chapter title gives a link, which means it allows you to go directly to an associated resource. I especially appreciate that these active links and valuable resources have been included as they make research easier. The material is expertly written but with terminology that's clear and easy to understand.

3. Raises Your Awareness of Income Possibilities: This information helps you to think about your current skills and interest and how you can translate these into making part-time or full-time income from your home. Most of these do not need full-time hours, therefore, they can be a ‘side' project that has tremendous possibility for growth into full-time income.

4. Gives You a Place to Start: If you are a beginner to internet marketing this eBook allows you really delve into various forms of internet marketing strategies all in one place so that you can make an informed decision. If you are fairly experienced it allows you to see what other successful marketers have done  and determine which aspect you would like to move on to next.

5. Introduction to Affiliate Marketing: If you do not have a product of your own, Affiliate Marketing is a great way to build your income online.  When I purchased this ebook over a year ago I was amazed that just by purchasing the ebook  I could get started in Affiliate Marketing.  And you can too.

20 Ways to make $100 per Day Online” is a great place to start to grasp the options that available to you in Internet Marketing.  If you've read the ebook, what part did you find most helpful?  Please share.

How to Make Your Home-Based Business Fun and Lose the F.E.A.R

August 15, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Home-Based Business, Direct Sales, Mindset

As entrepreneurs we are often affected by many negative things beyond of our control and these can cause F.E.A.R! According to the Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, fear is defined as dread, terror, trepidation; emotions that react to stimulus, external or internal. In addition, I like the definition of F.E.A.R as  False Evidence Appearing Real.

I believe that because we are natural nurturers, women more than men are anxious to see that everything follows a specific path; the slightest deviation from that path causes us intense anxiety and result in fear lurking its ugly head. In our minds we see gloom and doom when the reality is that it may just be a temporary setback.

This is where the Entrepreneurs Fear Factor comes in. Some years ago there was a reality show called “Fear Factor” that you either liked or disliked.  This is our reality as entrepreneurs: we encounter F.E.A.R in our business.  However, there is a simple element that if introduced more often could dilute the level of F.E.A.R we experience.  It's as simple as (more…)