Relationship Marketing | Build Your Online Business

Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Archive for the ‘Mindset’

Being Known as the Expert is Good – Earning Trust and Respect is Better

August 28, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

This article was written by me and published on in August 2009.

Many people who embark on Internet Marketing have an intense desire to become known as “The Expert” in their particular niche.  This desire is fed by claims that once you are known as the Expert your list will grow exponentially and you'll be able to monetize your list.  There is basically nothing wrong with wanting to become known as the “Go To” person in a niche, and in fact, is a very good thing.  However, is that enough?

Marketing on the World Wide Web offers endless opportunities and there are countless stories of amazing successes, but as large as the web world is, it is also a small world because it's just as easy to lose credibility as it is to gain it.   Stories abound of questionable marketing tactics like someone pre-selling a product that they had not even begun to work on and giving a deadline that they know will be impossible to meet?  What about ordering a product from a well-know marketer and three months later it has not been received?  You may be good at what you do; design tools to make it easier to do amazing things on the internet, but what about your reputation? What about your know, like and trust factor?

It's well-known that people do business with people they know, like and trust.  They may know someone because of their being known as an Expert in their niche, but they personally have to develop (more…)

Are You Like the Bumblebee In Your Home-Based Business:Part II

August 27, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Entrepreneur - Network Marketing, Mindset

In Part I of this topic I introduced the bumblebee as well as featured one of it's characteristic: it's wings in relation to it's body.  You may read Part I on how home-based businesses can benefit from the bumble bee by clicking on this link.

Another characteristic of the bumblebee is that it’s a “social insect.” Like honeybees they form colonies, only smaller.  Their colonies typically have anywhere from 50 to 200 bees at the max.

How can entrepreneurs who work from home in offline businesses be part of a colony or group?  Like the bumblebee, entrepreneurs need the association and support of like-minded groups.  In fact, groups do not have to be like-minded because these can open horizons and provide a different perspective on your business, therefore enhancing your current business and introducing other opportunities.

Even in small towns there are business groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, the Jaycees, Business Network International (BNI), one of the most supportive business networking groups.  There are also other local networking groups, which are not to be confused with meetings for a particular MLM or direct sales group. These are meetings attended by entrepreneurs and small business people  (more…)

Relationship Marketing – Connect with Your Prospects By Giving Them the Information They Want

August 21, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Mindset

In continuing my series on the value of Relationship Marketing, I found this article by Connie Ragen Green and published on  In this article Connie discussed the aspect of Relationship Marketing by continuing to build relationships with your marketing through giving them the information they want.  She said it so well, I felt there was no need for me to reinvent the wheel and write a separate post.  Connie is my Mentor and I continue to learn from her and share what I've been taught by her with the persons I work with.


Building an online business is very similar to building a brick and mortar business. It is still all about marketing and relationships. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. When you are looking for a product or service, your attention is focused on those who tell you what they have to offer and then take the time to build a relationship with you. Think about which marketing strategies you will implement on a regular basis and how you will connect more deeply with your prospects.

Article marketing and blogging are the best ways I have found to make a huge impact very quickly. Decide which topics (more…)