Relationship Marketing | Build Your Online Business

Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Archive for the ‘online business’

Building an Online Business Goes Beyond Being “In The Mood”

December 01, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: online business, Uncategorized

Recently I read a quote by author Pearl Buck: “I don't wait for moods.  You accomplish nothing if you do that.  Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.”

Building a successful business online brings a lot of satisfaction, but it also brings its own challenges so I really appreciate the above quote.  Because we are our own boss we can make excuses for ourselves why we cannot work in our business at any given time.

“It's too cold and gloomy today.” Well, you're working from home!  Turn on or up the heater, turn on more lights and get to work.  I found that while they cost more the “Daylight” or “Natural Light” compact fluorescent lightbulbs make a huge difference, whether I'm working at nights or on a cloudy day.

Compare that to trudging through snow or cold winds to get to a job and you'll feel better.  Building an online business (more…)

Add Content to Your Website – 3 Ways to Create Web Content

November 24, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: online business

Building an online business takes work and a lot of that work will be devoted to providing your readers with great content.  The first place will always be your blog, but if you have a newsletter or ezine, that's another place where you will always need good quality information.

Write Your Own Article

The term ‘article’ also applies to your posts because you will always way to post to your blog first and then submit these articles to your favorite article directory or directories.  This is the best method as it helps you to establish your credibility and become know as an expert on your topic.  However, it’s not the only way and it’s not always possible to write your own article.

Guest Bloggers

I love to have Guest Bloggers write posts for my blog.  Each one of us has a different writing style and can see one topic from different angles and since the visitors who read my blog are all different, I feel it’s great to offer them this variety.  It also encourages a spirit of community (more…)