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Archive for the ‘online business’

Online Business Success – Stop Negative Self-Talk!

January 17, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: goal setting, online business

How do you view success?  Many people grew up with a negative attitude toward the word “success”.  They were raised to believe that if you focused on having success in your life, it immediately branded you as being narcissistic or materialistic?  But is that always the case?

It is true that an unhealthy desire for success at any cost has caused many persons to show undesirable qualities such as greed and selfishness.  However, to the average person success may mean achieving more to make choices, build your self-worth, or accomplish a goal.

Do you ever find that you talk yourself out of success by indulging in negative self-talk?  Do you tell yourself you could never attain those ‘lofty’ goals? Do you set yourself up for failure by listening to the negative voice within?

Rather than listening to the negative voice, you can use positive self-talk to (more…)

Internet Marketing Strategies Should Include Blogging for Business

January 11, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, online business

Recently I was talking with a small business owner about become more visible online and we got to the topic of having a blog.  I got a negative reaction and wasn’t sure why, so I asked searching questions.   The reasons for the negative response became clear very quickly.  The business owner's concept of blogs was that blogs could not have any beneficial effect on her business since blogs are just logs or updates of what people do on a daily basis.

There are people who use blogs for that purpose, but large companies are now using blogs to reach their market and build an audience, gain online visibility, and promote their business.  This in itself should make anyone who underestimates the value of having a business blog stop and think.  If large companies are taking advantage of the benefits of having a blog, how much more can this benefit small business owners?

Here are five important reasons why blogging can enhance your business and should be part of your internet marketing strategies:

1.  Google and the other search engines love blogs.  Unlike static websites, blogs are updated frequently so that when (more…)

Online Business Success – Lessons From the Atlantic Salmon

January 05, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: online business

I’ve always been fascinated by the Atlantic salmon’s inherent ability to swim upstream, and as I thought about the complexities involved in achieving online business success, I realized that there are lessons we can learn from the Atlantic Salmon.

What are some of these lessons we can take away and apply to ourselves in our online business?

1.  Fact: The Atlantic salmon spawns in fresh water but spends much of it’s life in the salty waters of the ocean.

Lesson: As business owners we have to be adaptable.  We may start small and wade into shallow waters, but as we grow we may make decisions (more…)