Relationship Marketing | Build Your Online Business

Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Attend Business Networking Events to Build Relationships

April 11, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: relationship marketing

The term “networking” is often confused with Network Marketing but they are totally different.  The root of networking is to build mutually beneficial relationships that can lead to personal and professional success.

Misconceptions About Networking

Many people cringe at the idea of attending networking events because they associate it with “putting on a face” and “schmoozing” with people you don’t know.  On the other hand, there are people who see networking as an opportunity to hand out as many of your own business cards as possible in a short time.  These concepts will prevent you from taking advantage of the opportunities networking offers and may require a change (more…)

Real-Time Schedule of Routine Tasks Important to Self-Management

April 05, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur, online business

Certain tasks in your business are routine or predictable tasks.  You need to do them daily and sometimes several times per day for best results.  Some of these could include:

  • Reading and replying to emails
  • Spending time on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Visiting forums
  • Read and comment on three or four blogs
  • Watch You Tube videos for training purposes
  • Watch training videos from a Webinar you did not get to attend, or training for a product you purchased.

Every one of these tasks is important to your overall business plan, but each one can result in time-drains if you do not do real-time scheduling to set limits (more…)

Do We Settle for Mediocrity or Pursue Excellence?

April 03, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: Business - Entrepreneur

I love the Comics in the newspaper and have my favorites.  My family finds this odd because I’m not a big fan of sitcoms on TV and would rather watch a movie or a good drama, yet I’ll have fun with the Comics.

In the Comics section of my local paper last week “Ziggy” was told by his psychiatrist “You’ve  got to choose Attainable goals…Why don’t you shoot for Mediocrity?”

That immediately got me thinking.  Do I settle for mediocrity or pursue excellence when I set my goals?  Are you settling or stretching?

Your goals should be attainable, but they should also make you stretch.  Unrealistic goals only lead to frustration and (more…)