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Archive for the ‘article marketing’

The Four Points in Your Article Marketing Journey

October 29, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing

When planning a journey it makes sense to map your route so that you save time and get the most rewards, perhaps a scenic route or one that allows you to visit friends along the way.

In Article Marketing there are different routes you could take to reach your destination, which is to bring your readers back to your home on the internet – your blog; but here are four points on your journey that can bring rewards quickly:

1.  Starting Point -  Your Blog: Some article marketers recommend writing your article first; however, I believe that it's better to start with the post on your blog.  This is what I do and recommend.  In my traffic post I highlighted several benefits of proceeding in this order.

2.  Second Stop – Social Media – Twitter:  There are different plug-ins available for WordPress blogs that allow your posts (more…)

Generate Traffic To Your Website With Article Marketing

October 27, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing

As communication is the lifeblood of any relationship -business or personal- targeted traffic is the lifeblood of your business online.

Every part of your online business must be part of your strategic marketing plan.  It therefore means that for article marketing success, you must have a plan and a goal.  Your goal is to generate traffic to your website; your blog.

Your Plan

Rather than writing and sending directly to article directories, I recommend writing your article and posting it to your blog first. Even if you need to combine two posts or add an introduction and conclusion to your post to meet the desired length for the article directories, there are advantages to doing it this way:

1)  Your loyal readers and subscribers get to read firsthand what you've written.  They do this through (more…)

Article Marketing Success through Web Content Mining

October 21, 2010 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing, Business - Entrepreneur, Business - Home-Based Business, Direct Sales

Recently someone communicated to me that he felt Article Marketing was not an effective marketing strategy for online marketers.  How about for those of us who are in Direct Sales?  Do you feel that Article Marketing can be an effective part of your marketing strategy?

It's important to keep in mind that regardless of what type of business you're in, as long as you are marketing on the Internet there are four basic things that all businesses need:

1.  Content Creation: This is the only way people will get to know what you do and what you have to offer.  Your blog should be your main home for your content.

2.  Traffic:  Traffic or readers are essential to our business.  We want to invite and encourage visitors to our website to read and comment on our posts.  At the same time we want to return the compliment by commenting on the blogs of fellow bloggers.

3.  List Building:  This takes traffic a step further because it's a way to capture this traffic so that we can build a relationship with them and market to them.

4.  Product Creation: The goal for which everyone who markets online should strive is to create your own product.  If you are in Direct Sales, you realize that this means your own product, and not one that the company you market for produces.

All of the four basic needs mentioned above can be met through Article Marketing.  Let's look at the first need:  Content Creation.

As noted previously your blog should be your main home or hub on the Internet.  Every time you write a blog post (more…)