December 20, 2010By: Yvonne A Jones Category: motivation
Self-Motivation is a natural and required partner to success in building your online business.
Your goal in starting your own online business was, in most cases, to make money to either supplement your income or replace your income. To realize your goals a number of basic steps are required, and all of these will only be put into action by the quality of your motivation. To achieve success in building your online business you must be self-motivated.
Your Vision: Every business owner must develop a vision of what he or she wants to achieve. In so doing you may need to ask self-searching questions like, “What do I really want to achieve, and why? Will achieving success in this venture change my life? How and who can I help once I achieve my goals? What steps will I take to be sure that my goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and will be accomplished within a given time period?”
Have a Plan: It may not be a formal business plan, but there should be something in writing to use as a guide in achieving your Read the rest of this entry →
New Year Resolutions? Why wait? At this time of the year many people start to focus on what they want to achieve in the new calendar year and so they make a list of their new year resolutions. But as I started thinking about it, I wondered if it would not be more beneficial to start those processes right away.
The main advantage is that when 2011 starts, you will already have begin to implement the changes you resolve to make and would have strategies in place to get the desired results.
Reducing clutter important. Experts confirm that in order to expand and grow, you must remove or reduce clutter in your life. For those of us who work from home this can be clutter on your computer, clutter on your desk, and clutter in your home office in general.
Declutter Your Computer. Does your desktop look like a billboard with neon colors? Do you have folders Read the rest of this entry →
Recently I read a quote by author Pearl Buck: “I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.”
Building a successful business online brings a lot of satisfaction, but it also brings its own challenges so I really appreciate the above quote. Because we are our own boss we can make excuses for ourselves why we cannot work in our business at any given time.
“It's too cold and gloomy today.” Well, you're working from home! Turn on or up the heater, turn on more lights and get to work. I found that while they cost more the “Daylight” or “Natural Light” compact fluorescent lightbulbs make a huge difference, whether I'm working at nights or on a cloudy day.
Compare that to trudging through snow or cold winds to get to a job and you'll feel better. Building an online business Read the rest of this entry →