Relationship Marketing | Build Your Online Business

Marketing your small business offline is essential to the success of your business.

Article Marketing Secrets – Let Your Resource Box Work For You!

February 16, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing

We are just about at the end of the series on Article Marketing Secrets.

One of the first things I learned in the Article Marketing Course I took when I first came online was that your reader should not be able to distinguish where your article body ends and where your Resource Box begins.  How can this be achieved?

Transition Paragraph

This seamless transition is achieved by the “transition paragraph.”  Just as your introductory paragraph or article summary tells your reader what you’ll be discussing in your article body, and smoothly leads readers right into the article, your transition paragraph should lead your readers into the Resource Box with your offer or call to action.

Resource Box

You’ve probably heard the term ‘craft your Resource Box,’ and that’s a very true recommendation.  Your Resource Box is a very valuable (more…)

Article Marketing Secrets:Benefits of Subheadings in Writing Articles

February 11, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: article marketing

We are almost at the end of the Article Marketing Secrets series, with only two other posts to follow.

When someone opens your article because they were attracted by your attention-grabbing title, you are one step ahead of the game.  But…what if they opened it and saw an article with 450-600 words with only two or three paragraphs, how long do you believe they’d keep reading?

When writing articles white space is very important, and a good way to break up your article body is to have sub-headings.

Subheadings – What are they?

  • Sub-headings stand out from the rest of the article because the font may be a size larger or you may bold the text.  You may decide not to (more…)

Clickbank Affiliates,The Truth About “Clickbank Millionaires” May Shock You!

February 08, 2011 By: Yvonne A Jones Category: affiliate marketing

A Review of “Secrets of the Clickbank Millionaires”

Is Affiliate Marketing a part of your online business?  Are you a Clickbank Affiliate? Have you ever wondered how some affiliates earn 6-figures from Clickbank affiliate sales while most of us struggle to have 3 or even 4-figure sales?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, then you'll be interested in some of the points I took away from veteran Internet Marketer, Willie Crawford's “Secrets of the Clickbank Millionaires.”  You may even want to get a copy of the ebook and keep it by your desk.

Know what products sell best!

  • Sell what people are already buying.
  • Successful Clickbank affiliates “rarely invest resources trying to convince prospects that they want to buy a product…” (more…)